
Amber Somero

Amber Somero

Administrative Assistant


Amber handles Xeratec’s invoicing, payroll, bills, etc. She keeps the office running from week to week and is involved in planning Xeratec events throughout the year.


After she completed a year at Finlandia she gained experience working in customer service, becoming a manger because of her leadership and work ethic. While raising her family, Amber has volunteered for a Hospitality Leadership position at a local moms group learning to create a welcoming environment for people.


Coffee. When she is in the office, there is always a new pot of coffee brewing! Outside of the office, Amber loves spending time outdoors with her family. Particularly in the spring, summer and fall months. 

Fun Fact

Growing up in a large family of 16, Amber is able to cook large meals without blinking an eye.

Special Skill

Amber has a gift for small talk. She is able to strike up a conversation with anyone she encounters.

Secret Weapon

Her homemade breakfast pizza is delicious and she can bribe almost anyone with it!

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