
Tom Dolan

Tom Dolan



Tom has focused his time as an intern on maintaining and rewriting applications, both desktop and mobile versions.


Tom is currently studying computer science at Michigan Tech. His passion for programming has been evident for as long as he can remember. During high school, Tom took several computer science classes, including one at UW Madison. This early confidence in his career path has proven beneficial, allowing him to arrive at MTU well-prepared for his studies.


He is greatly motivated by problems that require creative solutions. Tom finds the most satisfaction in developing software in unique and elegant ways.

Fun Fact

Tom enjoys playing a variety of interesting sports. In high school, he was a competitive mountain biker and now plays ultimate frisbee at Michigan Tech. He is also a lifelong alpine skier with a tendency to leave the beaten trail behind.

Special Skill

A lifetime of interest in extreme sports has taught Tom to be a great judge of his abilities and how to push his boundaries in a calculated manner, a skill that translates well to the world of software engineering.

Secret Weapon

Tom has great attention to detail and is always subconsciously considering potential issues or edge cases when he writes code.

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